The Prag Arcticove® Water Purifier System, built using NSF Certified Multi-Bore Ultrafiltration technology with intermittent auto-flushing arrangement, has been in active service in IR Passenger Coaches since 2016. The Prag Arcticove® Water Purifier-cum-Cooler System is an integrated-purifier-cum-cooler system having a robust vibration-resistant and vandal-proof stainless-steel construction specifically for on-board use on railway passenger coaches was developed in 2018.
The Arcticove® WPCS utilizes innovative MultiboreUltrafiltration technology using nanoscale membranes to provide safe potable drinking water to railway passengers. Water is cooled in a 25-liter stainless steel insulated tank ensuring a continuous supply of cold water even in peak summers and passenger loads. Cold water stored in the tank is filtered in-situ before dispensing, leaving absolutely no chance of contamination.
Some noteworthy features:
- Maintenance Free: The long-life Multibore membrane is designed to perform continuously for a period of eighteen months in an IR Passenger Coach, even at full capacity utilization.
- Certified Virus Retention: Certified Log-5 Virus Rejection [MS2-Phages] – IWW, Germany.
- Certified Food Grade: Filtration membrane and accessories certified as per NSF / ANSI 61.
- Bacteria-Free: Meets international drinking water standards, Bacteriaremoval efficiency: 99.9999%.
- Retains Natural Quality of Water: All the natural salts and minerals in the water are retained without adding iodine or other chemicals.
- Minimal Water Wastage: The system is designed for less than 2% Water Wastage.
- Auto-Flush with Timer: Ensures regular auto-cleaning of filter membranes.
- Robust Construction: Vandalism Proof Stainless Steel Construction.
- IP 65 Protection:All electronic used have IP-65 Level Protection suitable
- Last Point Purification: Water is first cooled and then purified, leaving absolutely no chance of contamination.